
Detection elements of the laser tracking head

Thanks to the developed technology, we offer custom-made detectors with parameters desired by the customer and various structures, dimensions and shapes.

The detectors meet the requirements for units used in ammunition and missile technology.

Together with the Institute of Electron Technology in Warsaw, we have developed and implemented in model co-boresighted dual mode seeker heads, short-wave infrared (SWIR) silicon quadrant detectors. The technology of quadrant diode detection modules with increased sensitivity in the short-wave infrared band has been developed. The detector uses an innovative patent-protected design solution. This solution significantly increases the sensitivity in the spectral range up to 1100nm. We currently manufacture quadrant modules with diameters of the active areas of Ø3mm and two versions of Ø10mm (4- and 8-elements), for precision guided munitions warheads (artillery shells, anti-tank missiles) guided at the target illuminated by a laser beam. Thanks to the developed technology, we offer custom-made detectors with parameters desired by the customer with various structures, dimensions and shapes. The detectors meet the requirements for teams used in ammunition and rocket technology.