
GROM / PIORUN Man-Portable Air-Defense System

The TELESYSTEM-MESKO Development and Implementation Center has developed and implemented into production all the most important optoelectronic and electronic assemblies of the GROM/PIORUN system.

TELESYSTEM is the producer of the main elements of the GROM / PIORUN MANPADS:

  • coordinator, with particular emphasis on the optoelectronic track, which includes globally unique InSb (indium antimonide) and PbS (lead sulfide) photodetectors and hybrid preamplifiers. Thanks to this, the Company is among the leading producers of guidance heads for missile systems and, next to the giants from Russia and the USA, the only serial manufacturer of detectors with such exceptional parameters;
  • the GSN electronics block, based on entirely Polish technical thought and Western element base, as well as methodologies for regulating the missile’s homing head;
  • rocket igniter electronics;
  • electronics of the digital programmable MS start mechanism. This device was created in cooperation with specialists from the Quantum Electronics Team of the Military University of Technology. Its design and operation are an original Polish development. Thanks to it, it became possible to install GROM/PIORUN missiles on various launch platforms.

CRW TELESYSTEM-MESKO has developed and implemented into series production the key elements of the modernization of PPZR GROM-M, codename PIORUN, which led to:

  • increasing the detection range thanks to the use of new detection systems with increased sensitivity;
  • development of digital algorithms for the operation of the starting mechanism and programmable GSN;
  • increasing resistance to thermal disturbances – by optimizing the coordinator’s detection bands – increasing the dynamics of the GSN processing systems, as well as the use of new spectral ranges and kinematic selection;
  • increasing hit accuracy by improving control characteristics in the far and near zones and introducing the possibility of turning off the hit point shift;
  • increasing the striking range and effectiveness of the warhead thanks to the use of a proximity fuze;
  • applications of optical and optoelectronic targeting devices.